Свитч » 25 фев 2023, 18:20
И так, дочитал до конца книжицу, в последней главе есть такой абзац, и могу только предположить. Если рассматривать, что же общего среди перечисленных материалов и перьев, приходит на ум только одно "контрастный, светоотражающий,раздражающий элемент"
Those feathers that
are of a most gaudy hue are best for the wings
of salmon flies, which are golden pheasant
feathers, cock of the rock, the crest of the
Hymalaya pheasant, the blue and yellow macaw,
the scarlet macaw, red macaw, green parrot's
feathers, particularly the Amazon parrot
tail, the scarlet Ibis, blue king fishers, and
chattern, the splendid Trogan, the Argus pheasant,
the bustard, red parrot, and the Bird of
Paradise ; the wood-duck feathers (try the cock
of the north feathers, black hackle, white body,
and gold) ; the jungle cock ; the spotted turkey,
brown, light, and dark feathers ; brown mallard,
or wild drake ; teal feathers ; heron feather,
black and blue ; glede or kite tail feathers
grey mallard, widgeon, and shovel duck; various
dyed and natural cock hackles ; grouse
hackles ; guinea hen hackles, the rump and
back feathers ; silver pheasant, cock and hen
bird tail, wings, and body feathers ; yellow
toucan feathers ; blue jay feathers, and the
wings of the jay for trout flies ; peacock feathers,
off wings, tail, and body ; black ostrich feathers,
and the white ostrich for dyeing all colours for
the heads of flies, &c., with floss silk of every
shade; gold and silver twist, and plate of
different sizes ; pighair, mohair, furs, &c.
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